Friday, December 18, 2009

volunteer Work

i Believe that volunteer Work is important. hElping someone makes the helper feel very good about themselves. not ALL work deserves pay. volunteer hours look good for college resumes. If you ever help out a person in need, watch how grateful they are. it's very heartwarming. Volunteer work is something that Everyone should partake in, in their lifetime.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Some individuals believe that reading is relaxing and fun. But, in my opinion, reading is extremely boring and a waste of time. I would much rather play a sport, watch television, or be on the computer instead of reading a book. Even though people say that reading enhances your vocabulary and knowledge, it is still very monotonous. I sometimes will read a book if I have absolutely nothing to do or if it is a really interesting book, but other than that, it is very hard to find me wasting my day away reading a book. Especially these days when there are so many other types of entertainment such as Wii, Xbox, Nitendo DS, etc. Most people enjoy doing things that are interactive and exciting to do. Sometimes it is hard to read because staying in one place for a long period of time can be challenging. So, reading or doing something interactive and fun? The answer is always, do something interactive or fun such as play a video game or play a sport that you enjoy thoroughly.

Friday, November 13, 2009


I think the age that people should be considered adults is 21. I believe 21 is because people are able to do everything at that age. Driving, smoking, and drinking are some of the things people can do. Anyone under the age of 21 shouldn't be considered an adult because you can't do everything before 21. I don't think 18 is an adult yet because there are still limitations as what a 18 year old can do. At 21, it's the last time you get a license also. So in my mind, in order to be considered an adult, a person should be 21 years of age.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Human Cloning

I believe that human cloning is something that we should not do. It's unnecessary because if everyone had a clone, the world would be more overpopulated than it is already. Although I do think it's rather neat when they clown animals, cloning humans is not right. To me, cloning is a sin. Some days you may think it would be cool to have a clone but is it necessary? The answer is no. I think our nation needs to focus on more important things instead of trying to clone humans.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Most Important Invention in History

Electricity is obviously the most important invention in history. Without electricity, where would we be today? Think of everything that needs electricity to work properly. (computers, lights, phone, tv, shower, fridge, etc.) This list goes on and on. Electricity is used every single days of our lives. It's almost impossible to avoid using it. Some people believe that Thomas Edison invented it, while others seems to give the credit to Mr. Ben Franklin, but no one actually knows who 'invented' electricity because it has been around for tons of years. If electricity didn't exist, life would be greatly different. No fridges or freezers to preserve food, no lights to see, and no television to keep our eyes glued to. Electricity is the number one invention in my book.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Physician assisted suicide should be outlawed in my opinion. Nobody should be allowed to professionally help someone commit suicide. If someone wants to commit suicide, they should go see a physcologist to receive help. I don't understand why someone would want to get paid to help someone commit suicide. If someone's life is that bad, they should be getting counseling to help improve their life and thought process. To me, helping an individual commit suicide is morally wrong and should be against the law. Committing suicide is one of the worst ways to die because God decides when you die. So please, if someone is thinking about committing suicide, don't encourage them and help them to succeed in doing that, instead, seek help from a physcologist for them.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nebraska weather

Unpredictable. That is the easiest way to describe it. One week it snows, the next it's sixty degrees. I wish Nebraska weather wasn't so crazy. There's harsh winters and scorching summers. The worst part of Nebraska weather is of course, the snow. It's the middle of October and it is already snowing. What happened to fall?